Edmonton Marathon

Sunday, August 18th 2024 Register Now!

Jaclyn Panylyk – Edmonton, AB

Instagram: @girlsclubdjs

What is your:

Go-to pre-run food/nutrition?
Non-dairy Matcha Green Tea Latte, maybe with a bit of honey if I’m feeling feisty & a plant based smoothie! Super energizing and easy to digest
Go-to post-run food/nutrition?
Haha, I usually not hungry after races, it takes me awhile but if I am, I love Donuts or going for a really tasty dinner.
Favorite running gadget/accessory?
My Ceile Hat, Hoka Shoes and Yur bud headphones- they suction to your ears!
Favorite place to run?
Edmonton River Valley baby! Endless trails, beautiful views.

Would you rather:

Trail or road race?
Oooo tough, I like both for different reasons. Can’t choose.
Indoor or outdoor running?
Outdoor is my preference. Fresh air, baby!
Silence or music?
Music for sure!
Solo run or run with friends?
I like both, but for long runs I prefer to go solo.

What is your favourite Servus Edmonton Marathon memory?

This is a hard one. I have so many. The energy is this city is incredible and our running community is one for books. Being in the starting line of the race gives you such a high! The Edmonton Marathon specifically has a banquet & beer gardens after the race! Such an awesome perk!